
Winter Reading Guide

If you haven’t already checked out the Summer Reading Guide, that’s where you should get started. We’re expanding on that list with our Winter Reading Guide, adding some new suggestions we’ve received, and throwing some new books in the mix. The Map by Daniel Yergin is the newest release to make it on this list.

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The Shitco Suck

This was an email we got earlier this week. We’ve reached out to the author to ask about how they’d like it to be posted but have not gotten a response, so here it is in its original form (with some images added in). I think all of us have felt like this at one

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On the Rocks Ep 6

On the rocks with colin moody Episode 6 – Old School Plat Drafting On Episode 6 of On the Rocks with Colin Moody we’re taking a look at an old Oregon Basin plat map in Park County, Wyoming that was created by Richfield Oil Corp in the 1950s. These old plat maps show all kinds

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The Oil and Gas Road

This was a submission from one of our former authors known as The NutShale: The Oil & Gas Road The Oil & Gas Road (“O&G Road”) is the best damn road on the planet. It is not the “Silk Road” linking cultures and ideas, it’s no Roman engineered masterpiece that stands the tests of thousands

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Episode 10 – TejanoBrown on the Ground – TB-10 – Wireline Logging

TEJANOBROWN ON THE GROUND TB-10 Wireline Logging After a few weeks off, our wireline expert is back at it with Episode 10 of Tejanobrown on the Ground! Today we’re learning about how wireline logging works, what the wireline controllers are watching and looking for, and how the system works to log data about the cement,

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Summer Reading

Since we keep seeing requests for a list of oil and gas books, we decided to put together our own with some of our favorite reads. This list spans from beginners guides to the industry all the way to the technical aspects of how the industry works, with quite a lot of history and geopolitics

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